So you want to get involved with the Wiregrass United Way? We'd love to have you make a difference with us! If you are interested in getting an employee campaign started at your place of business, please click on the area manager in your location below and they will help you get started right away!
Mindy Collier, Dale, Coffee and Geneva counties
Josie Shepard, Henry and Houston counties
Want to make a difference beyond donating? If you have time or talents to volunteer, please contact our partner agency 2-1-1 and let them know you are looking for volunteer opportunities--they can help match volunteers with agencies that need you today! Just dial 2-1-1, enter your zip code and soon you will be speaking with a live operator who can connect you to the perfect volunteer opportunity for you. (Having trouble dialing 2-1-1? Try 1-888-421-1266)